UO Auction Safes


Page: 12 of 19. Here are all the items people have listed on their auction safes in-game. These covers all of atlantic, all facets.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
IMGName Facet

Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Energy Eater 12%
Dexterity Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Luck 90
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Poison Eater 15%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 3%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 24%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Poison Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 3
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 2%
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Lower Requirements 100%
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 3%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 19%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Strength Bonus 5
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Energy Eater 15%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Enhance Potions 3%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Dexterity Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Fire Eater 15%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 2%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 3%
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Enhance Potions 2%
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Leggings Leaf Leggings
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Chance Increase 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 24%
Energy Resist 19%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 3%
Dexterity Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Energy Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 50
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Cold Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Energy Eater 12%
Dexterity Bonus 3
Intelligence Bonus 2
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 2
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 1
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 5%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 24%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Poison Eater 12%
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Stamina Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Fire Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 4
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Defense Chance Increase 2%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tonlet Leaf Tonlet
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 2%
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Fire Eater 15%
Casting Focus 2%
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Lower Requirements 100%
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Fire Eater 12%
Strength Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 231 / 254
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 10%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 24%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Strength Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 24%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 1%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 23%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 24%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Kinetic Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 24%
Energy Resist 19%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Energy Eater 12%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 150
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 2%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 4%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Mana Regeneration 1
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 18%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leaf Tunic Leaf Tunic
Weight: 2 Stones
Elves Only
Cold Eater 15%
Casting Focus 2%
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 22%
Poison Resist 19%
Energy Resist 19%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leafblade Leafblade
Weight: 8 Stones
Splintering Weapon 30%
Hit Life Leech 55%
Hit Lower Defense 50%
Hit Lower Attack 50%
Energy Resist 5%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11 - 15
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 20
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability 60 / 60
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Lesser Artifact


Leafblade Leafblade
Weight: 8 Stones
Splintering Weapon 20%
Hit Lightning 50%
Hit Lower Defense 50%
Swing Speed Increase 30%
Poison Resist 5%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11 - 15
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 20
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Major Magic Item


Leafblade Leafblade
Weight: 8 Stones
Splintering Weapon 30%
Hit Magic Arrow 40%
Hit Fatigue 50%
Strength Bonus 4
Damage Increase 50%
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11 - 15
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 20
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Greater Artifact


Leather Cap Leather Cap
Weight: 2 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 150
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Cap Leather Cap
Weight: 2 Stones
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Mana Increase 10
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 254 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Cap Leather Cap
Weight: 2 Stones
Fire Eater 3%
Casting Focus 1%
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 5%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Cap Leather Cap
Weight: 2 Stones
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Mana Increase 10
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 254 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather From A Mutant Wolf Leather From A Mutant Wolf
Weight: 5 Stones


Leather Gloves Leather Gloves
Weight: 1 Stone
Poison Eater 15%
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Enhance Potions 2%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gloves Leather Gloves
Weight: 1 Stone
Energy Eater 12%
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Stamina Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 100%
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gloves Leather Gloves
Weight: 1 Stone
Damage Eater 12%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 23%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gloves Leather Gloves
Weight: 1 Stone
Fire Eater 12%
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 10
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gloves Leather Gloves
Weight: 1 Stone
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Major Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Casting Focus 2%
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 4
Enhance Potions 3%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Kinetic Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Enhance Potions 2%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Kinetic Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Fire Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 50
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Mana Regeneration 1
Enhance Potions 2%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 1
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 4
Stamina Regeneration 3
Luck 50
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 5
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Energy Eater 12%
Strength Bonus 1
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 2
Mana Increase 8
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Enhance Potions 1%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 23%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 196 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 196 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Cold Eater 15%
Casting Focus 1%
Strength Bonus 1
Intelligence Bonus 3
Hit Point Increase 2
Stamina Increase 2
Mana Regeneration 1
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 1
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 4
Stamina Regeneration 3
Luck 50
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 5
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Fire Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 80
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 110 / 254
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Gorget Leather Gorget
Weight: 1 Stone
Casting Focus 2%
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Stamina Regeneration 4
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 4
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 4
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 1
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Defense Chance Increase 3%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Casting Focus 3%
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 2
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 2
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Enhance Potions 1%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 2%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Lower Requirements 30%
Strength Requirement 14
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Poison Eater 12%
Casting Focus 3%
Intelligence Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Energy Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 5%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Poison Eater 12%
Strength Bonus 5
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Leggings Leather Leggings
Weight: 4 Stones
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 3
Luck 50
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 225 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Ninja Jacket Leather Ninja Jacket
Weight: 5 Stones
Damage Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Luck 140
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Shorts Leather Shorts
Weight: 3 Stones
Dexterity Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Stamina Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Shorts Leather Shorts
Weight: 3 Stones
Fire Eater 12%
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Shorts Leather Shorts
Weight: 3 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 4
Stamina Increase 10
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 23%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Shorts Leather Shorts
Weight: 3 Stones
Kinetic Eater 15%
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Enhance Potions 1%
Defense Chance Increase 1%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Skirt Leather Skirt
Weight: 1 Stone
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Enhance Potions 1%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Skirt Leather Skirt
Weight: 1 Stone
Damage Eater 12%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 100%
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Skirt Leather Skirt
Weight: 1 Stone
Fire Eater 12%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 10
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 4
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Cold Eater 3%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Defense Chance Increase 1%
Lower Reagent Cost 5%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 4
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Stamina Regeneration 3
Luck 100
Enhance Potions 2%
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 3%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Strength Bonus 4
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Hit Chance Increase 4%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 22%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 23%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Casting Focus 3%
Strength Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 3
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 3%
Lower Requirements 70%
Strength Requirement 6
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Strength Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 1
Stamina Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 10%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Casting Focus 3%
Strength Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 60
Reflect Physical Damage 5%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 23%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Sleeves Leather Sleeves
Weight: 2 Stones
Poison Eater 12%
Casting Focus 1%
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Increase 7
Stamina Increase 6
Mana Increase 10
Luck 50
Enhance Potions 3%
Hit Chance Increase 1%
Lower Reagent Cost 5%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 20
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Leather Tunic Leather Tunic
Weight: 6 Stones
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Mana Increase 8
Stamina Regeneration 1
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 100
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Enhance Potions 2%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 24%
Cold Resist 23%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 25
Durability 255 / 255
Legendary Artifact


Leather Tunic Leather Tunic
Weight: 6 Stones
Casting Focus 2%
Dexterity Bonus 4
Intelligence Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Increase 8
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 2%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 3%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 23%
Strength Requirement 25
Durability 255 / 255
* Requires The "Stygian Abyss" Expansion
Legendary Artifact


Lenort's Gargish Watch Lenort's Gargish Watch
Weight: 1 Stone
Gargoyles Only


Lesser Poison Potion Lesser Poison Potion
Weight: 2 Stones


Leurocian's Mempo Of Fortune Leurocian's Mempo Of Fortune
Weight: 2 Stones
Mana Regeneration 1
Luck 300
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 30
Durability 254 / 254


Light Of New Year Light Of New Year
Weight: 2 Stones


Light Of New Year Light Of New Year
Weight: 2 Stones


Light Of Wisdom Light Of Wisdom
Weight: 1 Stone
Spell Channeling


Living Rose-Gold Coral From The Waters Of Nujel'm Living Rose-Gold Coral From The Waters Of Nujel'm
Weight: 10 Stones


Lizard Control Burning Repellent Pot Lizard Control Burning Repellent Pot
Weight: 1 Stone


Lizard Control Burning Repellent Pot Lizard Control Burning Repellent Pot
Weight: 1 Stone
