Ultima Online 2 Plat

Ultima Online 2 Plat
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$160.00 -

If you are trying to take over the world with UO gold, 2 platinum should get you on the path. This should cover all items you might need for your characters unless you are getting a expensive house or pet. We work hard to keep our prices competitive but it is important to know that when you shop here you are buying fair legitimate gold from honest players. We stand by our claim that UOKing offers the best customer service than anywhere else. Just order the gold and then ring our live chat to arrange delivery.
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO 2 Plat Gold for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

2 Plat spawn location?

2 Billion Ultima Online gold.

What are the stats for 2 Plat?

1,000 Million Gold (Billion/Platinum) 
Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
PaypalPaying with paypal for your Ultima online items is very simple. Just checkout and when you get to paypal log in and pay.
BitcoinSend us a message in the live chat to get the deposit address and pay with bitcoin!
How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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