UO Tamer Items

Every seasoned adventurer in Ultima Online knows that the true strength of a Tamer lies not only in their mastery over beasts but also in the powerful artifacts they wield to enhance their connection with their companions. Tamer Items are designed to fortify this bond, providing essential boosts that transform a simple pet into a legendary ally, capable of turning the tide of any encounter.


A Master Tamer Reflecting on Their Journey

Walking through the dense forests and vast deserts of Britannia, you recall the myriad creatures you've tamed and the invaluable items that have made your bond with them unbreakable. You think back to the moment you first held the Ring of the Vile, its dark magic coursing through you, amplifying your control and endurance as you commanded your ferocious dragon in battle. This ring, with its potent boosts to strength and dexterity, has been your ally in countless skirmishes, making your bond with your pets stronger and more resilient.

Your eyes scan the Tamer's Satchel, a mystical bag imbued with properties that enhance your pet's abilities and grant you the power to summon creatures from distant lands. This satchel has been a key to your success, allowing you to call upon the most elusive and powerful beasts with ease.

Then there's the Cloak of Silence, an essential piece of gear for any master tamer. This cloak grants you and your pets the stealth and agility to move undetected, striking with the element of surprise and retreating into the shadows when necessary.

Each of these items is a testament to your journey as a tamer, earned through perilous quests, traded in bustling marketplaces, or crafted with rare and exotic materials. These artifacts do more than just enhance your abilities they represent the countless adventures and battles you've faced together with your loyal companions.

For those who seek to harness the full potential of their bond with their pets, delving into the world of Tamer Items is a crucial step. These items are not merely tools but extensions of your very essence as a tamer, allowing you to explore the farthest corners of Britannia with unparalleled prowess and companionship. Embrace these powerful relics and watch as your bond with your beasts grows stronger, becoming a force to be reckoned with in the legendary world of Ultima Online.

Building a tamer and need some taming items? A full tamer setup includes a luck suit with mage properties, a trained pet, and max skills! We have what you are looking for from luck armor to -0 mage weapons and power scrolls. We even have pets to complete your taming experience. Thing like pet bonding potions and 120 skills will make your taming experiences much easier on you. Feel free to hit us up on live chat if you have any questions. A tamer can only have a total of 5 slots worth of pets at any time. The strongest pets in the game when fully trained are all 5 slots. UO Tamers are great for farming gear and UO gold because you can wear a luck suit while your pet does all the work.